Tuesday, 30 July 2013


The shopping in Melbourne definitely lived up to our expectations! 3 days of shopping, discovering the Melbourne sites and dining in the cute alleyway cafes. Although it was probably the worst thing to happen to our bank accounts, the cute clothes we came home with could definitely be justified.

Amie outside one of the cute cupcake shops we saw on the way to the Victorian markets
    Relaxing after a hard day of shopping! I admit I got caught up in the shopping and forgot I had to fit everything in my suitcase, and ended up buying makeup storage drawers.. I somehow managed to fit in it my suitcase, but it involved me stuffing most of my belongings inside the drawers and wearing majority of my clothing on the plane. Opps! 
We visited the streets which are famous for their graffiti, so interesting to see graffiti as actual art - especially because most graffiti in Sydney is vandalism!
The cafes and shops had such quirky interior design features. So many of the cafes had mini terrarium light bulbs which were so cute! They gave this industrial indie feel, it was so interesting to see all the items we lust over on Urban Outfitters Apartment in action. 
 Sleep deprived and hyped up on sugar, us leaving Melbourne with full suitcases and aching feet!

Overall it was a great trip! Its amazing how different the shopping is, and it was really good to get away from work and normal life for a while! 
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Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Melbourne wishlist

Melbourne wishlist
After watching all our friends on Facebook have an amazing time in different countries, my friend Amie and I decided to book a trip to Melbourne! Although it's not quite as good as being in Italy, we thought it would be a good change and a chance to do some good shopping!
I've bought so many clothes lately so don't really need to buy any more.. but i just keep telling myself a girl can't have too many clothes!
I will do an outfit post soon to show you, the weathers been so horrible lately though that I just havent had a chance.
These are some of the things I will be looking for in Melbourne
1. Studded tote
2. Nail polish
3. Cute clutch
4. Boyfriend watch
5. Gold necklace
6. Cut out heeled boots
7. Denim Pinafore
8. Studded sandals

My main goal for the weekend is to find a cute denim pinafore that doesn't make me look like a 5 year old, which I probably won't be successful in finding as I'm guessing it kind of comes with the territory hahah.
I'll keep you updated on all my Melbourne purchases, hopefully the shopping will be good!